Friday, 24 May 2013



I am paying a very steep penalty of $3917 month ($3,000 spousal) because my ex was somehow allowed to file a motion for an abridgement of time hearing in Moncton. Apparently she had to move as the marital property sold and I was unwilling to settle/secure funds for without this hearing; This was in the affidavit. Fact of the matter is; This court hearing was Dec 2011 and the marital property is still on the market. I have had one low ball offer and this was March 2013. Additionally, I have time stamped separation agreement which I was working through with her Sep-Oct 2011. So, she goes to a lawyer, the lawyer see the vast delta in incomes and the rest is history.


I walk out of court with a very one-sided judgement, marital debt #'s were not even discussed. Lawyers went back and forth after and since I have ended up with a ridiculous support payment and no marital debt being returned to me and now FSOS is all over me to pay the arrears. The arrear are exactly the amount for the mortgage payments the past three months.


It would take way too long to go through all the defamation, bullying and harassment I have since received from this particular lawyer as well.


I want to commence with due process of proving that the affidavit was falsified and there was no empirical data to back up her claim that the house was sold and she had to move. NB Law Society seems the logical direction to file a complaint against a lawyer, but it seems a society that may not be impartial as it is run by lawyers with oversight to lawyers.


I have also involved Marie-Claude Blais Minster, but that resulted in a very diplomatic response.


Any tidbits would be helpful.


Chris Rossiter MBA

Tel: 506-379-2456 ext 1200

Cell: 506-232-1395
Fax: 506-379-1097

P.O. Box 1006, 3155 Route 935, Dorchester, NB, E4K 3V5, Canada |



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